Monday, September 24, 2012

This pretty much sums it up

Emails at 3 am

Recently I have had some late nights due to the fact that we begin filming on Thursday.  There is a lot to do when producing a thesis film so you have to get stuff done when you can.

Definitely the best part of writing emails at 3 am: no one is awake to respond so I don't have to worry about getting taken away from previous emails that I still haven't responded to.


Sunday, September 16, 2012

Saturday Morning

A conversation I had with an elderly lady in the grocery store:

(I yawn without realizing what I'm doing)

Lady: It looks like you should roll over and go back to bed.

(Taken off guard)

Lady: Stayed up late partying?

Me: I'm a student.  I was up working on school work.

If I'm going to feel the same way as a night of partying, I'll stick with working.  At least I got stuff done....

Monday, September 10, 2012


Such a good show (kinda miss the beginning seasons though.  I'm still trying to decide my sentiments towards this season.  So far, I'm still watching.)

We just got word that one of the actresses we had on a film I produced last year for school will be on the season finale.  A few episodes ago one of our actors from another school film was on "Weeds".

Good to know our casting abilities are similar to "Weeds" casting abilities.

Rear Ended

Over the weekend I was rear-ended.  It still runs fine but it does kinda suck 'cause the hatch is stuck and won't open.  Can't really put much back there currently.

I guess that good part is that I don't have to worry about locking the hatch...

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Mr. Director

One of the best parts of being married to the director of my thesis film: having production meetings in my pjs.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Thesis Season

You know you are in the middle of prepping a thesis when you dream about finding the best deal on Dr. Pepper.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

The past few months

Since getting back to CA, life has been hectic.  Planning a thesis is no small task.  But, I was able to find some fun things along the way.  This post is a conglomerate of various things I came across the past few months.

Cute couple in front of me at the post office.  The man's (on the left) shorts were a bit higher than his wife's (on the right).

Fire in the Virgin Gorge.  As we were driving back from UT to CA, we saw huge lightening bolts in the distance.  As we got closer we saw the tops of the mountains were burning from the lightening.  Pretty cool to see.  Especially since it took us 3 hours to go 36 miles... 

Yes, we bought a shake weight.  We had so many gift cards from Bed, Bath & Beyond that we were worried we wouldn't be able to get a lot of stuff.  We found plenty to get.

Including a foot massager.  To be fair, Michael has been having foot problems so it was more for him. But, I HAD to test it out for him...

Sometimes you see the most random things.  This fun little toy was at a toy machine at Denny's.  This is for you, Mom.

And, how can I resist putting Chelsea and Michael dancing up?  It was pretty awesome.  My favorite moments of Chelsea are at around 1:15 and 1:30 of the second video.  Check it out!