Sunday, August 28, 2011

California, that land of...

Perpetual summers
Disappearing lanes on the freeway
Reappearing lanes
Needing a GPS
Vanity plates
Palm Trees (with no coconuts)

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Orange, CA

Trader Joe's AND Cafe Rio?!? On the same block?!? I think I'm going to like it here...

Monday, August 15, 2011

Missing New York

I've been gone a week now and I miss it. Luckily, I've been keeping busy enough that I haven't thought too much about it. But there have been a couple moments when it has hit me.

1. My roommate has the apartment to herself right now as she is waiting for her friend to return to New York. In the meantime, she is going home for a few weeks to visit her fam. Yesterday she posted on facebook that she was on her way home. My thought, "Oh ya, she is going to be home for two weeks. That will give me plenty of time to clean up the apartment until she gets back." Within seconds I responded to myself, "oh, wait..."

2. I noticed an app on my phone was missing. It only took me a second to figure out which one: the MTA app where it lists the subway maps and all the different lines. I use it fairly often to get around the city.

I have no idea why it was deleted off my homepage. I must have knocked it accidentally. Regardless, I was sad to remember that I really don't need it anymore.

I put it back on my homepage anyway.

Alaska Air

Nothing says safety like an airplane IN the airport.

Friday, August 12, 2011


I'll give it to Alaska. It's beautiful when it isn't overcast.

10 points for Alaska

I found Pop Chips. In Alaska. One of my favorite treats from New York.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

I took the challenge.

I had an Activia yogurt for breakfast. We will see if it works...

On the other side of the continent...


Sunday, August 7, 2011

The day has arrived.

Sad, sad, sad, sad day.

Best. Last. Day. Ever: Food, friends, fun


Saw Crazy, Stupid, Love.

Went to Rice to Riches.

Went to Mario Batali's Otto Enoteca Pizzeria. Pretty close to the real deal.

Helped a friend do some research.

Went to Shake Shack!

Hung-out with some of my favorite people.

I couldn't have asked for a better last day in New York City.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Last day working in New York City


I've been training my replacement for two weeks. I feel she has a pretty good grasp of what is going on. I left her some helpful tips that should come in handy. And, I didn't want to make her feel too overwhelmed so I tried to handle everything I could have so she could start out on a fresh note.

Too bad I didn't finish everything like I would have hoped.

Sorry Debbie, you get to file everything I failed to file.

And that, my friends, is called procrastination. And there is literally nothing I can do other than hope she doesn't hate me for leaving what I disliked doing to her....

The Fashion World


I work in the same building as fashion designer Nanette Lepore. So its no surprise to me when her employees are seen in her designs.

But what always makes things interesting is getting on the elevator where two of her employers are wearing the exact same dress that she designed. Their faces of shock, of "who does she think she is wearing the same dress as me" always makes me chuckle.


The tourists vs me


The tourists left their hostel at the same time I left my apartment.

They took the elevator.

I took the stairs.

I won.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Dream Analysis part 2

Apparently my fear last night was letting my eyebrows grow without doing anything to them...

Monday, August 1, 2011

Dream Analysis

They say your dreams are the eye to your soul, where your fears are projected and how your subconscious speaks to you.

If that is the case, my biggest fears from last night's dream include my TV stand shattering, my computer being stolen, my dvd disappearing and having to be to work in ten minutes without being dressed.

Frankly, I didn't need a dream to tell me that...