Saturday, April 3, 2010



I went to the MoMA today to see the Tim Burton's exhibit. Here is the proof that I went:

This hotel was across the street from where I was sitting. I wonder who knows the significant of the name?

Lines circulating the block

The Light Bulb Thingy

Different angles of a modern art work. Yes, they are real people.

And the last stop was to visit Van Gogh. And the person is proof that I actually took the picture.


  1. So, the real people...were they an exhibit?

  2. Ya, they were. The lady in red is the artist I guess. She just sits there. The other girl was there temporarily. She sits there as long as she wants and then when she is done she gets up and someone else takes her place. It's called "The Artist is Present"and runs through until the end of May. She just sits there all day long. And, you can even watch it live (during museum hours of course):
