Monday, December 13, 2010

We are twins afterall...


We shared the womb. We shared toys. We shared clothes. And we shared boys.

K, not really. We never went so far as to share boys. It just rhymed with toys and I was caught up in the moment…

But, we have shared a lot. And still do. I like to share my papers with Brittany. And she likes (?) to share her thoughts on my papers with me.

But, emailing has become a nuisance when it comes to her writing… I mean, editing my papers. So many drafts to keep track of, who wrote what, etc. We had to find a better way.

And, the better way, came through Dropbox. If you haven’t heard of it then, well, you have now. It is essentially an online database that works like a folder on your computer. It can store stuff, back up docs, etc. And, you can allow people access to it. Brittany and I have created such a folder so that I can “share” my papers with her.

And yet, we have realized that we can do much more than just “share” my papers. We can “share” music and other media too. I mean, we do it anyway. It is just that I would have to wait to see her to take her music or other media, having her computer literally in front of me. Now, all we have to do is put the file in our shared folder, let it upload, and the other can access it at will.

As we were discovering this, though, we realized something important. With advances in technology we can share at the click of a button. No need to be physically near the person. I was reminded of this when Brittany texted me (irony? Yes because we were texting while figuring out Dropbox. Not even skyping or talking on the phone. We were texting):

You realize now that we never have to see each other again?

I was only going to go visit her in Alaska to get her music anyway.


  1. My BF introduced me to dropbox and LOVE it! So great! When are you coming home for Christmas? Sawadee?

  2. A run to Sawadee will definitely be in order! I'll be there from the 24th to January 4th. Are you going to be around?
