Sunday, May 1, 2011

Unprecedented-Redeeming a Friend Test


"Friend Test" is a term I have started to use, thanks to Cougar Town, a show I was introduced to by T. I quite enjoy the show as it has funny moments and great lines, including "Friend Test" from a few weeks ago. The term, when spoken to a friend, requires the friend to be absolutely honest and forthright in the question or favor about to be asked. I have instructed, and almost used a "Friend Test" a few times with various people, including Charlye.

Today, out of necessity, I had to use it.

See, I get paranoid with my keys. Living alone, especially, I have worried as to what happens if I lock my keys in my apartment. Because of this paranoia I either have friends who have a set of keys or I have a set of keys at work. The idea is so I can have keys accessible if I lock them in my apartment.

Which, of course I did today. (Mind you, my new roommate is moving in next weekend so, of course, it had to happen the week before I wouldn't need to use my back-up plan of "Friend Test"ing.)

I had been out all day and must have moved my keys to another bag without realizing it. When I was on my way home I went through my purse to find the keys and they were not there. I panicked. I was running on a tight schedule and needed to get into my apartment. And, I didn't have my pass to work and with it being the weekend, there was no way to retrieve my pairs I have left in my desk.

So, I "Friend Test"ed Charlye.

And, of course, she came through.

Thank you, Charlye. Feel free to redeem a "Friend Test" with me at any time.