I generally try to be aware of random fees or ways in which businesses try to get money out of people. Parking is one of them.
At my internship, I had a parking pass I would use but I always had to leave it at the office. So, I'd park, run to the office, grab the pass, drive my car out with using the 2-hour free pass and go back in with the parking pass. At the end of the day I'd reverse it. By doing this, I avoided having to pay for parking.
That is, until my last day. I left the office around 6 pm to go move my car. Little did I know (well, I'm sure I knew at some point but spaced it) that at 6 pm you no longer get 2-hours for free. Sucks that I got the ticket at 6:02 pm...
$5 worth of frustration.
Lucky it didn't cost you more.