Saturday, March 26, 2011

Subway Rule


I buy a "pay-per-ride" ticket when using the subway. I don't spend enough time on the subway to buy a monthly pass as I generally walk to work and school. If I'm out and about I will only take the subway if I am at least two stops away. I can't justify taking the subway if it will take me less time to just walk. But, I still always walks to work even though it is two stops away. It's my rule as it takes less time than waiting for the subway. (I live on 25th street. There is a subway stop of 23rd street at 28th street and my work is on 35th street where another stop is.)

I had an appointment today before work on 22nd street. Generally I walk to work but I went against my rule. I used the stop on 23rd. The two extra blocks were apparently too far for me to walk that I justified paying $2.50 for a two stop trip.

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