Sunday, October 11, 2009

More New York Moments

*It's expensive to go to the movies. Much more expensive than Salt Lake. So, my roommate and I are splitting a Netflix subscription. It costs less per month than going to one movie. We get excited too because sometimes we forget what movie is coming next. Netflixs is kinda like Christmas. You don’t know what you get until you open it.

*I was asked the other day if I have a Blackberry. I wasn't sure if saying no was a good thing or a bad thing.

*Tip with dealing with cockroaches. Get them in the toilet somehow and flush. And if you are too scared for that then Erin will just whack it with her shoe.

*Funny mental image: Amber (my roommate) discovers a cockroach in the bathroom. "The cockroach is following me."

*It seems that this city runs on tips. And you aren't served well unless you give a decent tip. Still trying to figure out what a decent tip is...

*Some people have never heard of pinenuts. If you go into a store asking for pinenuts, they may give you a box of peanuts. "No, PINE-nuts." "Peanuts?" "No, PINE-nuts. They are different."

*If the water is shut off in your building, make sure you turn off all water after trying to see if the water is really off. Otherwise you may come home to the bathroom and kitchen sinks running. Good thing our pipes weren't clogged.

*Sometimes I wish I would meet a good guy and that we would meet in Times Square. He would be wearing a navy uniform and I would be in my nurses outfit. The rest would be history, printed in Time Magazine.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. There is a new book that you should check out. It is called "The New York Regional Mormon Singles Halloween Dance." I have only read a portion of it and it is hilarious. The book is about a single Mormon girl living and dating in New York. People gave it a really good review. Let me know what you think.

  3. Times Square, Navy Uniform, Nurses Outfit...well done!

  4. Becky, that is so funny that you mention that book. Why, you ask? Because the girl that wrote it is in my ward :D If you like it though I'm more inclined to read it. Let me know what you think when you are all done ;)

    Brittany, I have to give credit to Erin on that one. She said it and gets the credit. And I laughed pretty hard...
