Monday, May 3, 2010

The displeasure of writing papers

When writing papers for school I generally migrate for new scenery. This can involve migrating from my house, to the park, to Starbucks. Or, it can be moving from various locations in the park. Or even from the table to the couch, to my bed and back to the table.

I also email myself drafts of my papers because I don't trust my computer.


  1. Hey you. I'm just catching up with you after a long spell without your blog! How are finals? Hope things are going well! So excited to see you soon. Will you be able to stay in Utah very long? Love you.

  2. Finals are, well, going... I'll be happy again in a few days. But I really can't complain too much about them. Just papers so I don't have to worry about studying.

    I'll be in Utah for a little over a week. I am getting VERY excited too!

    P.S. I love the new pictures you posted!
