Friday, November 5, 2010


The fact that I don't speak in classes kinda stresses me out, especially since final grades revolve around participation. But, the reality is that I much prefer to listen to others.

My biggest concern is that I don't want my professors to think I'm slacking with readings and other assignments. So, I try to do all the readings and start on my final papers as early as possible, including getting them approved by my professors, whether or not my professors require signing them off or not.

So, with one particular class (the one I have blogged about previously), I emailed my professor about meeting with him to discuss my ideas since I really didn't have any that stuck out. My hope was that he could lead me in a direction. He responded that he was happy to meet with me and that he was also considering reaching out to me to see how I was doing in the class, my thoughts on the class, etc. since I pretty much keep to myself. I met with him today to discuss.

First, he was extremely helpful in directing me with a topic. I still have yet to nail it down but I'm looking forward to the paper.

Second, and the best part of the whole meeting, was when we discussed participation in the class. I think it was apparent to him that I am engaged and that I enjoy the readings and the discussions. What made me feel justified, however, was when he said, "I don't think I ever spoke as a masters student."

Boom! I'm validated.

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