Saturday, August 21, 2010

I am not Agoraphobic.


While at the gym, Dr. Oz was interviewing shut-ins. We all have those days where we don't want to go out or we simply just want to stay in so I thought it was something I should look into. Dr. Oz said that 1/5 people suffer from agoraphobia. I looked around the gym and out of the other four people that were there, it was clear that they didn't suffer from it. So, I figured I should take the test. If you answer yes to any of these, you could have agoraphobia:

*I avoid places that are crowded or that might be difficult to get out of (such as theaters, supermarkets, or elevators) because I am worried that I will panic.

(I thrive off of theaters, food is too important to me to avoid, and I'm too lazy not to take elevators)

*I avoid using public transportation such as buses, trains, or airplanes because I am worried that I will panic.

(Again, I'm too lazy to avoid public transportation)

*I avoid driving or riding in a car at least some of the time because I am worried that I will panic.

(Driving in cars is a stress reliever for me)

*I avoid situations like long lines, bridges, or being far from home because I am worried that I will panic.

(If this were the case I never would have moved to New York)

*I have to stay within a "safe zone" or specific distance from my home in case I panic.

(I'm always excited when I get to leave Manhattan)

So, you see, I am not agoraphobic.

But, I did learn that I am a hypochondriac.

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