Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Checking up: A Facebook Game


Sometimes when I'm on the phone with Brittany, I get bored. Not 'cause of her but because we run out of things to say but neither one of us wants to hang up. So, the conversation usually turns to facebook. We may check up on a person here or there or write random comments on each others wall. It really just depends.

Our favorite game, however, involves looking at random friend's facebook walls with the help of choosing random numbers. It usually goes something like this:

Ashley: Choose a number between 1 and 7.

Brittany: 1.

Ashley: K, now choose a number between 1 and 100.

Brittany: 96.

The name of the person will then be read aloud and "getting caught up" will ensue.

Now, let me explain the meaning behind each number. There are various "pages" of friends. As we know, friends are listed alphabetically. So, the number one ends up being the page with the names that start with A-Br. The next number is the precise location found on that page. In this instance, 96 is a Brittany Pacini. Sounds familiar...

We only play it about five times and then get bored, which usually ends up in hanging up the phone anyway. But today's five included two friends from Italy, two friends from BYU, and a spouse of a friend. Glad to see you are all doing well.

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