Saturday, January 23, 2010



I have a confession. I do laser hair removal. I guess that really isn't a confession as everyone already knows anyway. But posting it on the blog seems to make it more official, even though I've been going for several months now.

I can tell it is working as I can see a huge difference. But, the actual procedure hurts something fierce. There are moments when I question, "why I have succumbed to the social pressures of our society to suffer through the pain, and for what? The need to not shave?" And then I remember that that is exactly why I'm doing it. Laziness! The fact is is that I don't like hair so much. So to not have to deal with hair is pretty much heaven in my eyes.

Every time I go, without fail, they will try to sell me some type of package. They always have "good deals" too. Last time was no exception as they tried to sell me a "Facial Photo" something-or-other (or was it a "Photo Facial"??). To be honest, I had no idea what it was but they said they would give me a free appointment, that it would only take ten minutes, and it wouldn't hurt. So I went today.

Ya, the lady that told me it wouldn't hurt...Liar!!!! It did! Granted, not as bad as laser hair removal, but it still hurt. And, the lady that did it was from eastern Europe. I know that has nothing to do with anything except that she was nice and I wanted to call her Olga.

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